Primary School celebrates World Health Day

TENNANT Creek Primary School hosted an expo to celebrate World Health Day on Wednesday.

Students rotated through a wide range of activities which included different sports and sessions on how to keep yourself healthy both physically and mentally. 

Activities included soccer, provided by the John Moriarty Foundation, football with AFL NT Regional Development Manager Wayne Green and, an obstacle course created by the Clontarf Academy, and Barkly School Sports Coordinator Pam Dillon who ran exercises to improve hand eye co-ordination.

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation, CatholicCare NT, Mental Health Fellowship, NT Hearing and the Oral Health Team from Alice Springs were amongst the providers which did sessions on taking care of the body and mind. 

The World Health Organisation began World Health Day in 1948 and it is celebrated each year on 7 April. This year’s theme was “Together for a fairer, healthier world.”

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