School holidays filled with entertainment

IT was back to school on Monday after the holiday break, but there were still things happening to end the break with plenty of fun and excitement for our local kids.

Thursday afternoon Royal Life Saving NT hosted paddle boarding out at Lake Mary Ann, which was blessed with perfect weather and laced with a bit of water safety education.

Later in the evening local legends The Last Resort performed at the Karguru Camp while other activities were happening, which once again proved popular.

The highlight however was the family fun night at Purkiss Reserve where The Last Resort played its last gig of the holiday run. 

As well as the games, there was also face painting as well as barbering for the boys and makeup for the girls, all of which proved popular with the younger members of the crowd. 

It has proved a hit to keep the local children engaged and a part of the their local community and well done to all services involved.

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