Service providers host health displays to deliver key messages

MENTAL and physical health was uppermost in people’s minds over the past week with three separate events focusing on different messages for the community.

Last week service providers set up in Peko Park to get the community thinking about Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on FASD Awareness Day. 

Local residents had the chance to find out what FASD is and what can be done to prevent babies being born with the condition.

Peko Park was again the venue to spread the word about World Suicide Prevention Day last week, somedthing that is probably more important this year with the rise in mental health issues created by COVID restrictions and isolation. 

Asking your friends and family R U OK? and how to keep the conversation going so people do not feel isolated was one of the key messages delivered.

To wrap up a big health week, the Civic Hall became the site of the Women’s Health Expo. 

Women could come along and get a check up, courtesy of Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation, and then browse the many other stalls covering women’s health issues. 

Other service providers which took part included the Tennant Creek Women’s Health Refuge, BRADAAG and CatholicCare NT.

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