Big rains herald mozzie danger

RECENT rains and flooding have had an unwanted side effect: mosquitos have been exceedingly prevalent over the last week or so.

Aside from the simple annoyance of getting bitten, there is also the risk of contracting diseases like Ross River virus, which can cause fever, joint pain, and rash, Japanese encephalitis, which can lead to inflammation of the brain, or Murray Valley encephalitis, which can result in severe headaches, high fever, and neck stiffness.

The Health Department has recommendations on how to lower the chances of getting bitten to lower the risk of disease.

• Use a repellant containing DEET, picaridin or PMD

• If camping, use a mosquito proof tent or sleep under a mosquito net

• Stay indoors when mosquitos are most active (dusk and dawn)

• Maintain fly screens around the home

• When outdoors, use mosquito coils, candles or lanterns

• Wear light coloured, loose fitting clothing covering feet, legs and arms

• Not wearing scents as these can attract mosquitos

Most important is to remember to empty out any containers holding water to remove possible breeding grounds. Mosquitos lay their eggs in stagnant water, so it’s crucial to check your yard for blocked gutters, old tyres, buckets, wheelbarrows and the like, which can collect water and become breeding sites.

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