Letters to the editor
Keep eye on proposed liquor restrictions for the Barkly

TO the residents of Tennant Creek – black, white and brindle – we are about to be inundated by a mob of social engineers telling us we have a problem with a legal product, which our elected government makes millions of dollars from in the form of taxation on alcohol sales.

But cop this: we are different from our friends in Alice, Katherine and Darwin. 

The NT Government tells the population of the NT we are all equal unless you live in the Barkly Electorate. 

I came down from the Daly River back in 1974 to Anthony Lagoon Station and have been on the Barkly electoral roll since then.

I will let our newly elected Member for Barkly have a chance to stand up and represent the electorate against the changes the Liquor Commission intends to place on this town.

We are not a SUB-SPECIES, and all I ask is that the drinkers of this town be given the same rights as the rest of the NT. 

Steve, keep an eye on this issue as it will be bigger than BEN HUR.

– Bob Baker, Tennant Creek.

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