Sign the petition - let’s make the Government take immediate action

IT’S a depressing start to the news for 2024 in the Tennant Times first edition.

Traditionally, we restart on the third week of the month; however, with the mounting victims of crime calling out for help, we came out of hiatus a week earlier. 

Hey, just 10 minutes before I started writing this – a call came through informing there was a bunch of youth recklessly driving a bus through town. 

Look at the article to the left of this – they stole a cop’s car! Who the hell is in control of this town – the youth? There is a man fighting for his life in Darwin hospital! They are picking on the weak and elderly.

I feel bad for Tennant Creek residents; it’s no longer safe.

I feel for the police; I’d feel depressed doing that job, too.

This is an NT Government problem that severely needs addressing.

In the face of the rising costs of inflation, which is doubled in remote centres like Tennant, how can residents afford the constant effects of break-ins, vandalism and medical expenses from assaults? Victims of Crime compensation does not scratch the surface of the expense.

How frustrating is it when it takes police five hours or more to attend the scene of the crime, and you see the same offenders walk past you just an hour later, swearing and provoking you?

Come on, Chief Minister and Cabinet – the entire Territory is pleading for help.

This needs immediate addressing to save our community’s safety, well-being, and physical and mental health. I urge everyone to sign Laurie Hicks’ petition – I believe it takes a whole-of-community effort to get this government to take action.

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